i'm alive and well

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Guess what? I'm fantastic, that's freakin what.

Yep. That's pretty much it.

Actually, there's more. There's quotations!
"The ironic thing about naming our group HAM- Helen's cat is named Pig."
"That black man is black. You're a black man."
"EWWW! Look at his nose!"
"Is he going to RAPE her?"
"Don't ask me questions I don't know the answers to!"

"Is it even possible to eat an ice cream cone without looking sexual?"
*Helen tries*
"There, I did it!"
"Uh, no."

"My leg is spasming!"
"Well look. Now you've killed her."

"Hey guys...are you awake?"
"Well, I am now."
"Will come pee with me?"

"I've never really like jelly doughnuts, but one sounds really good right now."

"Can I see your horse's teeth please?"
"Uh, sure." *thinks* 'How am I supposed to open her mouth without her biting me?'

"He asked to see her teeth so I tried but it was so slobbery..."
"Why did he ask you do that?"

Some are from horse shows, other from my non-horse friends.

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