i'm alive and well

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What's hot and what's not? A question that, I, Risky Business, is completely qualified to answer. And if you disagree? Well, you might end up in the not column next time...
-Glee- How can it NOT be hot? This show has awesome songs, cheesy lines, but overall is a fun watch and a great soundtrack. :)
-Gladiator Sandals- AH-dorable! Need I say more?
-Less casual dresses and skirts, but not super formal either- Everyone pulls out the flouncy dresses and skirts, but I happen to adore less casual skirts- more office type skirts, catch my meaning?
-Beaded and sequined skirts- American Eagle has a TON of these right now, and I'm loving them. They're a little on the expensive side, but totally worth it. Especially cute under vests.
-Sweatshirt/Sweatpants- Seriously, girls, what's with the sweatsuits? WHAT IS WITH THE SWEATSUITS? Be feminine! Even some bootcut dark wash jeans won't kill you! Or a sweater, or a graphic tee...I'm not picky. Just sick of sweatsuits.
-Flipflops- Seriously, worn, dirty flipflops are not cute. Fashion flipflops, I can deal with. But seriously, if you want shoes that you don't have to wear socks with, then grab some cute sandals- like I said before, I'm in love with gladiator sandals.
-Twilight- SICK SICK SICK of it. I don't care if you like Twilight, but I'm sick of hearing about it.
-School- Enough said.

There you go, followers! What's hot and what's not.

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